Member Benefits
Members of The Sunflower Poetry Society receive
The opportunity to be part of an all-inclusive poetic community
Camaraderie in association with others who love poetry
No additional costs to attend workshops sponsored by SPSK
Access to participate in quarterly poetry readings
Satisfaction through public service as part of our community outreach
Pride as a member of an all-inclusive group promoting unity through poetry
Educational opportunities to learn about poetry and the craft of writing poetry
Reduced entry fees for contests sponsored by SPSK
Membership in National Federation of State Poetry Societies (NFSPS) - membership is only available through its state organizations.
Reduced entry fees for NFSPS contests
Eligibility to submit to additional contest categories in NFSPS contests which are only available to NFSPS members.
Eligibility to hold office in The Sunflower Poetry Society of Kansas
Eligibility to hold office in The National Federation of State Poetry Societies.
The quarterly NFSPS STROPHES newsletter
Eligibility attend the annual NFSPS poetry convention ( please note that attendees pay all their own fees, accommodation and travel expenses)
Opportunities to share, read and listen to poetry with a community that embraces the freedom of creative expression, equality, diversity, mentorship and innovative ideas.
access to The Sunflower Poetry Society of Kansas' Facebook page. This is a safe, inclusive space for people to share their work, postings about events and general poetry news. The sharing of poetry is welcomed and encouraged. However, it is important to be aware that poems shared will most likely be classified as previously published by a majority of literary competitions and publications. When posting poems, we ask that you be mindful of this classification and how it may impact the eligibility of your work for future submissions.
Membership dues are $25 dollars annually due by January 1of each year. The Sunflower Poetry Society of Kansas accepts new members throughout the year. Please note that SPSK does not pro-rate dues. All individuals must renew their membership by January 1. If you wish to become a member, simply click the link below and send us a message via the “Contact Us” form on the page. Please include your name, email address and mailing address. We will email you with instructions on how to make your payment.